Selected Work
St. Thomas More Catholic Church

St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Oceanside, CA (STMO) built a new, modern, award-winning facility to accommodate their large church community. Their website needed modernization to serve the needs of their growing community while serving as a starting point to welcome new members to their parish.
STMO’s previous website was built on proprietary software that was difficult to edit, with only one point-person with the ability to edit the site. Their website also had a large ministry database that was over-engineered for the average website user.
The parish community of St. Thomas More consists of a combination of young families and seasoned, long-time parishioners. The new website had to appeal to the younger generation while being easy-to-use and accessible for those who aren’t as tech-savvy.
Design cues where taken from the modern architecture of the building. White space was used generously to separate information and a color palette was created from the building’s combination of warm wood features and cool stone and steel.

The website was rebuilt in WordPress so that multiple administrators can update the content of the website. The new site can adapt responsively to various screen sizes and the extensive menu is accessible via a slide-out navigation.

A custom plugin was built to handle the large ministry database. The plugin utilized WordPress’ Custom Post Types and blocks that stored meta data for each ministry.